5 Reasons Why My Armpit Sweating Too Smelly

When it is a topic about sweating, armpit is the most common location where sweating happens.

This is the reason you might notice stains on your shirts under the arms and might at times also get body odor.

The odor of the sweat depends from person to person. There are a number of people who might sweat high but do not smell that bad.

On the other hand, there is another bunch of people who might have a bad body odor due to such sweaty armpits.

So, how actually such smell does happen to take place. Here are some of the possible reasons.

Why armpit sweating is too smelly?

Sweating takes place from the pores on the skin that leads to the sweat glands beneath the skin. The sweat glands secrete sweat when the body temperature suddenly rises. The sweating is a beneficial way of cooling down the temperature of the body.

Also, at times sweating does take place when a person is under severe stress situations. But it is not necessary that every sweating person will suffer from bad odor. If you are suffering from smelly armpits, there can be a number of reasons for that.

Why armpit sweating is too smelly

1.  Bacteria Dwelling on your skin

Smelly armpits do happen when your smell comes in contact with the bacteria dwelling on your skin. If the sweat is there on your body for long, the reaction keeps on happening and hence continuously turning on and increasing the smell. Hence, it is important that you clean your sweat at the earliest so that the connection of the sweat with the bacteria is lost and you can stay protected from such a body odor.

2. Hygiene is another basic reason for getting such a smell

If you stay in a humid location and you have a condition of sweating too much, this can cause you to smell extremely. This is because when you sweat, the sweat stays on your skin and the bacteria keeps on acting on the sweat. This is the reason, it is recommended for people of such a location to take shower at least 2-3 times a day to maintain proper cleaning.

3. Hair on their Armpit

Also, it has been noticed that people with hair on their armpit can smell more in comparison to those who do not. This is because the sweat drains from the pores and comes up from the hair follicle to its tip. The sweat stays entangled in the hair and the bacteria on the skin keeps on reacting on it causing the smell. Not shaving and cleaning the armpits regularly is a major cause of such a smelly armpit.

4. Food items play a major role in the smelly sweat condition

If a person is on a high diet of rich food items such as spices, red meat, and similar products, this increases the body temperature that automatically increases the sweat. Also, the toxins of these food items also drain out through sweat and this causes you to smell really bad.

5. Certain Medicines

There can be a number of times when certain medicines can also be a reason for such smelly armpits. There can be certain medicines that can cause you to sweat hard and can also lead to the release of chemicals in the sweat that can lead to smelly armpits.

I am CP, I frankly tell you I am itself victim of this excessive sweating i.e hyperhidrosis may be by birth, but I’ll always try to beat them at some levels, This blog is all about same, how i personally manage, my lifestyle things that I use or best tips that helps in overcome this sweating problem. So must take benefit from this blog!

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