Home Remedies for Excessive Sweating

Are you plagued by excessive sweating?

Is it ruining your life?

Well read on and you may be able to stop sweat from having such a negative impact on your daily routine.

Although everyone perspires, many people actually sweat to such an extent that it can cause great embarrassment.

Sweating excessively can stop you from doing things that others take for granted.

If you suffer from excessive sweating,

you may find it very embarrassing to socialize with others and your self confidence may suffer as a result.

People who suffer with extreme sweating may be constantly on edge worrying about this problem. So what can be done to lessen the severity of the situation?

Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling down. When we get hot, the body releases sweat in order to make the body moist. This moisture then meets cool air and this then cools down the body.

So if you want to stop sweat from causing you a lot of embarrassment then you should try to stay as cool as possible.

Wearing loose fitting clothing can help sometimes.

And it is also a good idea to wear light colored clothes as sweat stains are less noticeable in these.

One more way to try to sweat less is to become more relaxed and focused. Stress can cause you to sweat more and being on edge about your problem can trigger excessive sweating.

Relax and Stress Free

So how can you become more relaxed?

Well there are certain techniques available which will help you to learn to relax more such as meditation, yoga or pilates.

The deep breathing involved in these techniques helps you to control both your mind and body which can help you to relax.

It is important to take extra care when you participate in your daily hygiene routine. This means taking a warm bath or shower daily and ensuring that your body is completely dried when you get out.

Once you are completely dry, you should apply a good antiperspirant deodorant. If you find that during the day, you start to sweat again, you could carry wipes with you as well as your deodorant.

Although it may seem like a hassle to have to try to tackle this problem, it is much better to take the time and effort to try to minimize your situation.

That way you need not be as self conscious and embarrassed and you can stop sweat from ruining your life.

What are the easy and natural ways to overcome sweating?

One of the most commonly asked questions in a medical sense that people ask is how to stop sweating using just natural methods.

Just to emphasize though that sweating is actually good for you because this is how the body manages to not only cool itself down, but to also remove harmful toxins and substances that may otherwise harm us.

In saying this though, there are some unfortunate individuals that do sweat more than usual and this is termed as excessive sweating.

These people can actually find it rather embarrassing to sweat so much.

Getting wet patches on their clothes can draw uncomfortable attention, but this is not the half of the problem.

With damp areas on the body due to this sweating, bacteria can flourish and it is this bacteria that ultimately causes the crux of the problem – offensive odor.

This is more embarrassing to the sufferer than the unsightly wet patches on their clothes.

There are quite a few ways to combat excessive sweating and these can range from all-natural methods to using the latest in medicinal technologies and breakthroughs, although the latter does tend to be a rather expensive option.

It is for this exact reason that most individuals looking to stop sweating will do so by trying the natural remedies available.

Home remedies for excessive sweating

1. Exercising


This can seem rather like a paradox to some people; after all, don’t you start sweating when doing exercise?

Surprisingly, this actually helps the body reduce excessive sweating incidences. Exercise actually helps the body relax, and by relaxing, an individual will start feeling good.

As well as this, the simple fact that someone has sweated during their exercise routine is enough to lower sweating incidences for the remainder of the day.

2. Avoiding Stress

Avoiding Stress

Many people tend to sweat profusely when they are anxious or under a lot of stress.

Doing something like yoga can help teach an individual to relax and control their stress levels, at the same time helping to reduce or even stop sweating.

3. Avoid Eating Sweets and fatty Foods

Sweets and fatty Foods

Being overweight can lead to, or exacerbate, excessive sweating. This issue can be remedied somewhat by trying to avoid fatty foods in the diet. This will lead in turn to a healthier diet and thereby a slimmer body.

Focusing on healthy options like food high in fiber, as well as plenty of fruit and vegetables can also assist in attaining a slimmer body less prone to sweating.

At the end of the day, if an individual watches what they eat, takes regular exercise and try’s to remain stress free, this is the best natural method a person can start with to stop sweating profusely.

How to Control excessive sweating with Herbs?

Are you at the end of your tether when it comes to your excessive sweating issues?

Have you had enough of being embarrassed, especially when out and about in public?

Well, for those individuals that have tried all the conventional methods out there when it comes to stop sweating, here is an alternative you can try which really is as natural as it comes – using herbs.

1. Sage

Sage- sweating

It is a great herb when it comes to battling sweating issues, and it can be utilized in different ways.

Probably the most well-known way to use sage is by making a tea with its leaves. The addition of lemon and/or honey will give it an even better taste. As well as drinking sage, don’t forget that it can also be added to food, so you can eat it as well for further benefit.

benefit of sage that many people do not know about when it comes to stopping sweating issues is by rubbing it on the sweat prone part of the body.

Use a sponge or cloth and dip it into a cooled cup of sage tea and dab the prone part of the body with it. Once it has dried rinse the area with plain water.

2. Green Tea

Green Tea

It's as most people now know, full of illness-preventing antioxidants. But recently it has also come to light that drinking green tea can also be beneficially to stop sweating. Drinking the tea on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is probably the best time.

You can also add green tea to bathwater when you are bathing. This has the effect of letting your skin “drink” the tea which is very beneficial to stopping, or at least reducing, excessive sweating for the rest of the day.

This method is particularly effective on those people that want to deal with or stop underarm sweating.

By reducing stress and depression, therefore leading to peace and calmness, excessive sweating incidences can be greatly reduced. This herb is widely available in various guises.

How to quickly and naturally stop underarms sweating?

Many, many people right across the world are affected by the condition known as excessive sweating.

Irrespective if it is sweating from the armpit, the head or even the torso, it’s not a nice situation for people to live their lives with. Armpit, or underarm sweating is probably the most widespread form of excessive sweating globally, but fortunately, for those looking for ways of how to stop sweating, there are many things which can be done to alleviate or even cure, the condition. And the great thing about it is that all these methods can be done by using totally natural means.

The very first thing a sufferer from excessive sweating should look at is their diet.

What types of things are consumed in terms of food and drink on a daily basis?

Trigger foods and drinks, or in other words, those foods and drinks that can exacerbate the sweating problem, included very spicy dishes, alcoholic drinks and caffeine.

These items actually contain a fair few (to our bodies) toxins and these can increase the amount a person sweats. Those individuals that find they consume a lot of these trigger items may do themselves a bigger favor than they thought possible by cutting out, or at least cutting down drastically, their intake of these items.

Another “how to stop sweating” method for excessive sweating sufferers is to drink plenty of water.

Drinking Water

Although some may find this statement a bit of a paradox, water is actually a vital component for keeping everything in our body working efficiently.

Because sweating is the body’s cooling procedure or mechanism, you should know, then, that people sweat when they overheat.

One way to prevent this overheating is to drink some cool water before the body has a chance to start overheating. Regular water intake is therefore deemed as a great way to stop or reduce sweating.

Keeping an eye on what is eaten in the diet is half the battle when it comes to issues such as how to stop sweating. Adding vitamins and minerals through consumption of lots of fruit and vegetables helps the body function to optimal levels, and therefore aids in the reduction of sweating.

One thing many excessive sweating sufferers may be overlooking is what they wear. Those individuals who wear nylon or other man made materials much of the time, or those that wear tight fitting clothes regularly, are at more of a risk of sweating because they are not giving their body a chance to “breathe”.

Wearing loose clothing made from cotton can help reduce excessive sweating drastically because they let air flow more freely around the body.

The above are only a couple of things that can be done in an individual’s quest on how to stop sweating.

For those that feel their sweating issues are more severe than usual, or which seem to be getting worse, seeking proper medical advice is always the best option; if anything for peace of mind.

2 thoughts on “Home Remedies for Excessive Sweating”

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