30 Best Tips to Stop Armpit Sweat

Do you Know Why my armpit sweat smells so bad?

Sweating is normal, as this is how your body releases the toxins and gets detoxed.

Some so many people do excessive workouts to sweat and detox from their body toxins.

On the other hand, some people sweat excessively naturally.

Are you among those people who sweat extremely and are troubled with body odor or stains on their clothes and so on?

Then, you need some help in controlling your sweat.

The most common type is sweaty armpits, as this is quite visible when you are wearing light-colored shirts or tees.

30 Best Tips to Stop Armpit Sweat

These are some of the common ways that you can make use of to control and stop armpit sweat.

1. Topical Antiperspirants

For some, topical antiperspirants work really well. You can use them after your shower, both during the daytime and at night, to get a cooling effect and reduce sweating.

There are deodorants as well that help to control sweating. What exactly is the difference between the two?

Well, a deodorant is only effective as far as masking the smell in other words, it takes care of the stink but not of the unsightly sweat dripping.

An antiperspirant on the other hand takes care of both problems. Applying it under your arms (or wherever you want to on your body) is a great way to stop underarm sweating.

The best part is that you don’t need to get an expensive product; they pretty much all work the same. There is the exception that some more expensive brands sometimes come with a certain scent, combining deodorant, perfume and antiperspirant in one.

Otherwise, they are all basically the same. Be careful not to apply too much of it though as it can make your skin dry and irritated.

2. Your Clothing Choice and Dress up

Do not be in a hurry to dress up after your shower. Give some time after you have come out of your shower and then dress up.

Depending on which materials a piece of clothing is made from it can hinder your skin’s ability to breathe. This can heat you up and cause your body to sweat.

In order to prevent sweating you should try to stick with fabrics such as cotton, hemp, linen, wool or silk as they are woven much looser than synthetic materials, such as nylon and polyester.

Additionally, the natural fabrics mentioned above are also quite capable of absorbing significant amounts of moisture. Thus it is less likely to allow bacteria to accumulate in your armpits, which in turn can cause odors you would rather not have.

3. Shave Armpits

If you will keep your armpits clean, the chances of sweating reduce down to some extent.

4. Keep Watch Over Your Diet

Another great method for how to stop underarm sweating consists of changing up your diet.

As it happens, certain foods are more likely to make you sweat and can even be the cause of a bad body odor. Some of the foods and drinks you should seek to avoid include coffee, alcohol, onions, garlic, and pretty much any kind of spicy food.

Naturally, you can’t just stop consuming such common ingredients (especially the alcohol), but you should definitely try to cut down on them as much as possible. Combining this method with the other two above should definitely go a very long way to stop underarm sweat from taking over your life.

You should control your diet and reduce down food items such as liquor, garlic, processed items, spicy dishes, caffeine, and so on.

5. Introduce Good Diet

You should introduce food items such as fruits with higher water content, items with high calcium and minerals.

6. Drink Water

You need to stay hydrated in order to keep your body cool. Hence, you should drink a good amount of water throughout your day.

7. Wear Breathable Clothes

It is okay to wear tight clothes sometimes. But if you have a tendency of sweaty armpits, you should try to wear more breathable and loose clothes so that your skin can breathe.

8. Reduce Caffeine

Caffeine and other hot drinks increase sweating. Hence, the good idea is to skip it or at least reduce down the amounts.

9. Stop Smoking

Smoking cannot do anything well. It also is a reason that increases the sweating. Stop smoking and you can see a change within yourself in a number of ways.

How to stop armpit sweat naturally – Home Remedies

There are certain home remedies that you can try out to reduce down the sweating of your armpits.

10. Vinegar

Vinegar works wonder in detoxing your body from toxins. You can mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of natural vinegar and drink this solution with water half an before a meal, on an empty stomach every day.

11. Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is filled with antioxidants and hence drinking it can also help you in releasing all the toxins from your body and reducing your sweating.

12. Potato

This is a great trick that works in a great way. Just rub a slice of potato on your armpits just before you are about to apply your deodorant. This stays all day and keeps your sweat-free.

13. Wheatgrass Juice

This ingredient not only treats the toxins in your body but also controls the sweat glands so that you have reduced sweating. Drink this every day to see visible results.

14. Tea Bags

The Tannic acid in the tea bags also helps in reducing your sweat. Boil some tea bags and strain the water. When it cools, fill it in a bottle with a spray nozzle. Spray the water on your armpits once or twice a day.

15. Witch Hazel

This ingredient dries your skin and hence reduces the sweating from the glands. Apply witch hazel on your armpit once in a day to notice the change.

16. Baking Soda and Cornstarch

Mix baking soda, cornstarch with water and make a paste to make your own natural deodorant. Apply this paste on your armpits and leave for 30 minutes. When it dries up, wash it off properly with water. This dries your skin and reduces sweating.

17. Grapes

They are high in antioxidants and hence can be helpful in reduces sweating. Make a habit of drinking grapes juice regularly to control the problem.

18. Tea Tree Oil

This oil not only reduces sweating but also reduces down the bacterial growth on your skin that may cause a bad smell. Take a good shower at evening and apply the oil on your armpits regularly.

19. Sage Tea

Drinking sage tree two times a day can also help in reducing down sweat as it contains a good amount of vitamins.

20. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can reduce the sweat smell. Hence, it is a great idea to mix the oil with baking soda to create a paste and apply it. Wash it off when it is dry and do this ritual once a day for sure.

21. Chamomile Tea

Drinking chamomile tea once or twice a day can be also helpful because it reduces down stress as anxiety is one of the major reasons of sweating.

Other ways how to stop sweating underarms naturally

Apart from using the home remedies to control the sweaty armpits, there are also some other ways that you can make use of

22. Stay Away From Stress

Stress and anxiety are one of the most common reasons for excessive sweating. Try to calm yourself through various ways such as meditation, self-hypnosis, and others so that the sweating can be controlled.

23. Choose The Right Clothing

It is important to choose the right clothing so that you can keep your body cool. If you are in a tropical place where it is quite hot, you should wear cotton clothes more often.

Also, the color of the clothes also is a factor and hence tries to wear light clothes that make your body feel much cooler than the dark shades.

24. Take Shower Twice

The morning shower ritual is quite common, but it is also important to take your shower at night before you go off to sleep or after you have come back home from the office. Keeping your skin clean reduces the sweating problem to quite a great extent.

25. Baby Powder

Baby power can be another way to stop or reduce sweating. Apply baby powder after your shower and you can notice reduced sweating.

26. Eat A Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is very important so that you do not have to depend on junk food. Consumption of a proper diet can also solve the issue.

27. Detox Your Body

Try a detox diet once a week to release all the toxins from your body. When fewer toxins are left in your body, sweating will also be reduced.

28. Exercise

Exercising can work in two ways. It can help you sweat a lot so that you can get rid of the toxins, and secondly, it helps in fighting your anxiety. In both ways, it can help you reduce sweat.

29. Cleaner Clothes

People with the problem of armpit sweating should always wear cleaner and fresh clothes to avoid more sweating and also the smell.

30. Don’t Let It Sit

It is important that when you start sweating, you open your clothes and cool yourself or take a shower. This is not always possible, but doing this reduces sweating in the long run.

Needless to say, the solutions above are far from being the only ones for how to stop armpit sweating. There are many more out there, ranging from homemade natural remedies all the way to clinical operations on your sweat glands.

All of the above are only tips. If a problem is not manageable, you should definitely visit a doctor and look for some kind of strong treatment.

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I am CP, I frankly tell you I am itself victim of this excessive sweating, may be by birth, but I’ll always try to beat them at some levels, This blog is all about same, how i personally manage, my lifestyle things that I use or best tips that helps in overcome this sweating problem. So must take benefit from this blog!

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