7 Temporarily Tips to Overcome Excessive Sweating

Here i am not talking about normal sweating, like when you work out or you are out on a hot summer day. It’s all about excessive sweating it happens when we sweat all the time in hands, feet or face for no reason at all. This type of problems with sweating is also known as hyperhidrosis.

Having problems with hyperhidrosis is something many are struggle with many things like hand shaking, to come up with excuses to stay out of parties and other social events, problems in professional life, loose our confidence and many more.

Here i am sharing some temporarily tips to overcome excessive sweating, refer to my own experience.

1. For hand shaking 

Basis tip is wash hand continuously, If you know you have to shake hand with someone, just 5 mins before wash your hands with water once or sanitize it, so that you are mentally prepared for same.

2. Another tip for hand sweating

Always take hanky in your pocket when you go outside, rub your hands when it needs. Find here more and best tips to stop hand sweating.

3. Divert Your Mind

Try to sit air conditioner rooms and in open area, so that you body temperature remains cool. Don't think too much, that makes your sweating worse, Always smile, cool and try to busy your mind with some task.

4. For armpit sweating

Use deodorants and anti-perspirants in armpits as per your need so that your sweating smell don't comes out. One of best solution to overcome armpit sweating. You may also use sweat pads, it easily available online.

5. Feet sweating

Wash your feet during the day and carry an extra pair of socks with you, It might be a good idea to overcome the smelly feet.

6. Clothes you wear

Try to wear cotton clothes or breathable clothes that allows feeling fresh, cool also helps sweat to dry quickly.

7. Your diet

Try to avoid specify food, reduce caffeine, alcohol and stay hydrated always, one of the best basic remedies to avoid sweating in our daily life.

All these are temporarily tips to overcome excessive sweating, that may give benefit in your daily life. If none of the above solutions works and your sweating makes worse or need a permanent solutions excessive sweating, you must visit your doctor to see what they should advise.

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I am CP, I frankly tell you I am itself victim of this excessive sweating i.e hyperhidrosis may be by birth, but I’ll always try to beat them at some levels, This blog is all about same, how i personally manage, my lifestyle things that I use or best tips that helps in overcome this sweating problem. So must take benefit from this blog!

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