Does Apple Cider Vinegar Work for Sweaty Armpits?

If you are sweating excessively than others, do not consider yourself to be alone as there are many more such people who are embarrassed by their excessive sweating conditions.

An excessive amount of sweating can make you feel irritated and also can act as a problem for many other people around you.

The most common problem that you need to face is excessive sweating in your underarms area. The sweat soaks in your clothes to leave a stain mark on them. Also, there are so many people who also suffer from bad odor due to such excessive armpit sweating.

There are ways to control such sweating armpits such as deodorants and armpits, but at times not selecting the right product can also lead to a number of other cases such as even worse odor, reactions on the body and so on.

Hence, one of the safest ways is to try out some home remedies in place of making use of chemical products.

Home Remedies For Sweaty Armpits

If you are not happy with the products that you are using for your sweaty armpits, there are a number of natural remedies that can be tried. Some of the most common home remedies that can be really helpful in controlling sweaty armpits are:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar,
  • Potatoes,
  • Tomatoes,
  • Tea Tree Oil,
  • Camphor with Coconut Oil.

With regular use of any of these ingredients, you can find a change in your sweating session and also the body odor that happens due to the sweaty armpits.

The Apple Cider Vinegar Effect on Sweaty Armpits

Apple Cider vinegar does have the properties of astringent that can be helpful in reducing down sweating. There are a number of ways how the apple cider vinegar can be used in order to control your sweaty armpits and stay away from embarrassments.

The Night Time Ritual

The very first and most effective one of the nighttime ritual with apple cider vinegar. All that you need to do is dab some of the vinegar in a cotton ball and rub it well on your armpits and go to sleep. The next morning when you wake up, simply clean up the armpits while you take a shower and can get dressed to go for your work.

The Bath

If you are not much into the night time ritual, another trick that can use very much is the apple cider vinegar bath. You just need to add up 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in your bucket of bathing water and take your bath. Try this trick every day and you can stay away from body odor for the whole day.

For The People Who Workout

If you are someone who work-out and exercise on a daily basis, you can even consume apple cider vinegar to have an effect on sweat. In a glass of lukewarm water, add up two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and honey and drink it on an empty stomach every day. This helps you not only to sweat less while you are exercising but also throughout the day.

Apple cider vinegar helps in reducing the PH level of the body and hence helps in reducing the sweating problem too. Try some of the tricks and you will surely find the difference in a few days itself.   

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