Difference Between Regular Sweaty Armpit vs Excessive Sweaty Armpit

Sweating is completely normal as it is a natural process of keeping your body temperature in a normal range. Sweating will occur when your body temperature has hiked up due to several reasons such as staying in a warm and humid location, or doing exercises, or so on.

Also, sweating is good for the body as the harmful toxins are said to get drained out from the body through sweat. Sweating can take place from various parts of the body but the most common one is from the armpit.

Though there is nothing abnormal about sweating but it can make you embarrassed in front of others if you are sweating excessively. Hyperhidrosis can be the condition in which you sweat excessively than the normal sweating. This is not something related just to temperature but a number of other reasons too. People can sweat excessively due to reasons such as anxiety, and so on.

Hyperhidrosis can be focal in nature where the person sweats excessively from one particular body part or can be such where the person may sweat from various parts. One of the most embarrassing ones is sweating from the armpits.

So, how can you differentiate whether the sweating is a regular one or a sign of hyperhidrosis? Here are some of the basic differences that can help you in identifying.

regular sweaty armpit and excessive sweaty armpit

1. The Stained Clothes

Clothes with stained armpit area can disclose a lot about the person wearing it. Normally, when you have sweaty armpits, your clothes may get wet in sweat when you are sweating and then may dry up when your body temperature comes to normal.

But this is not the case with people who are suffering from excessive sweating of hyperhidrosis. Often such people stay away from wearing light-colored clothes or some delicate materials because they have a consciousness about stains.

People who have hyperhidrosis get their armpit area of the clothes to get drenched in sweat and may stay till the day end. This leaves a stain on the area that is quite obviously visible to people around.

2. The Cause of Sweating

This is one of the most common ways to know whether you have a normal sweating tendency or you are suffering from hyperhidrosis. Normally, you might sweat when the temperature of your body rises such as when you are in a warm and humid location or when you are doing excessive exercise or so on.

But people with hyperhidrosis can sweat in many other situations such as when they are tensed just before an interview, during an exam, or even at times before meeting a stranger. Also, there can be a number of times when a person may be sweating without any such specific reason. If this is the case, this can be actually the problem of hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating.

3. Being Conscious

Has this ever happened to you that you are stuck up in a lift and people around you are making faces on the way you are stinking? Such situations only make people with hyperhidrosis very much conscious about their presence.

These people get quite conscious about the way they are smelling and whether there are any stains on their clothes or not. On the other hand, even if a person is sweating normally, it is not necessary that the person will smell awful. 

Thus, it can be said that people who are extra conscious about their sweating conditions are surely someone who suffers hyperhidrosis and they keep on losing their confidence by each passing day such to such incidences happening around them.

4. Antiperspirants Do Not Work Much

Antiperspirants are said to be one of the best remedies for sweating and bad body odor. There can be a number of people who may have bad body odor but they do not suffer from the condition of hyperhidrosis. When such people use antiperspirant products such as roll-ons or deodorants, they can actually notice positive results.

But this is not the case with people suffering from hyperhidrosis. It is not that antiperspirants are absolutely inefficient but not choosing the right one is the reason for not showing proper results. Also, there are times when even if the right antiperspirant is used, the person smells even worse than before.

Hence, there are so many ways that can differentiate normal sweating from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. Sweating is not a problem but sweating excessively is surely a problem that needs medical attention at the earliest.

People suffering from such a condition such as hyperhidrosis need to check with a medical expert so that they can get diagnosed for the actual cause of the problem. There can be a number of reasons such as wrong lifestyle, substance addition, some sort of medicines, stress, or even some diseases. Knowing the right reason can help the experts also in coming up with a solution for the person.

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