Best 10 Ways to Get Rid of Armpit Sweating

Armpit sweating is a common problem that happens with almost everyone. For some, it is quite controllable while for some others it happens in so much excessive amount that it is noticeable by people around.

So, are there any options that can actually help in controlling the sweat?

Yes, there are so many ways that can be helpful. Here are the best 10 such ways that can help you get rid of armpit sweating.

1. Use Topical Antiperspirants

antiperspirants sweating

Antiperspirants are the most common solution to sweating.  Normally, people who have minimal sweating conditions can use a product as per their choice but people with condition of hyperhidrosis need to be extra careful.

It is needed that they select the right kind of antiperspirant so that the sweat is controlled well.

The roll-ons are said to be much more effective in comparison to the deodorants. You should make sure to see through a number of products and choose one that is free from chemicals and alcohol. An ideal way is to go for products that claim them to be purely natural products.

Just coming across the right product is again not enough, you should be aware of using the product carefully. Whether you are using a roll-on or a deodorant, you should make sure that you take a shower, keep your underarms and then let it dry well before applying the antiperspirant.

Also, you should let the antiperspirant dry before wearing clothes to avoid any stains on your clothes.

2. Use talcum or Baby Powder

Talcum powder on hands

If you are not an antiperspirant person, another way is to make use of talcum. Talcum consists of cornstarch, magnesium, and others that help in soaking the sweat and also in blocking the pores that cause sweat to come out of the skin.

If you have sensitive skin, baby powder can be the best possible option to go for. Baby powder is much milder than the normal talc and also some of the baby powder companies come up with products made of completely natural ingredients.

This not only helps in controlling sweat but also protects your skin from any kind of rash or reaction.

3. Underarm Pads

Underarm Pads

There are many such people who have extreme conditions of hyperhidrosis and they are not able to use any antiperspirants or even talc as they might not work properly on them and this might turn out to produce even fouler smell. In such a case, one of the great ways that can be done is to make use of underarm pads.

This is not a very common option and hence many of you might take it to be something new. These are cotton pads that can be stuck to the inner side of your clothes such as shirts or dresses so that the other side of the pad can get in touch with your underarms. It does not stop you from sweating but as you sweat, it absorbs it and seals inside so that there is no foul smell and also there are no stains on your clothes.

4. Change your shirt more often

Change your shirt

People with outdoor jobs such as sales or people who sweat excessively and different products do not work well for them, also need to make use of various natural ways to control sweating. One of the ways is to carry one or two shirts when you are out for your work.

After a couple of hours, you can simply wipe out your sweat, get a little freshen up and then wear a fresh shirt. You should make sure that the clothes that you are carrying should be washed properly and should be of comfortable materials such as cotton so that your skin can breathe through it.

5. Using Medical Treatments

Using Medical Treatments

If you are tried almost everything and still find that nothing is working, this might be the time that you should get in touch with a medical expert. When different products are not helping you out successfully in controlling your sweating condition, it gets important to understand the root cause of the problem and then treat it accordingly.

When you meet am medical expert, there is a questionnaire session that follows that digs out a number of points such as your healthcare regime, diet, lifestyle, diseases, and others. Based on these points, the practitioner evaluates the actual cause and then prescribes the right treatment.

There are a number of times when medicines such as benztropine are prescribed that actually work for a number of people. In other cases, other treatment procedures such as botox injections and others are also tried upon to fight against the problem of hyperhidrosis.

6. Avoid stress or Anxiety

Avoiding Stress

Understanding the reason for hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is very important to treat it. One of the most common reasons today is stress or anxiety. Stress causes the nerves to send signals to the brain that causes them to react in the form of sweating. Sweating is a method that helps in cooling down the body and hence sweating can happen when a person is stressed out.

There are so many people who sweat constantly before a test or interview or even there are people who might stress before or while meeting a stranger. There are a number of seasoned ways that can help in controlling stress and sweat.

Practicing deep breathing is one such way that helps a lot in case of stress. Also diverting your mind to some other thing by talking to someone or getting involved in some other activities can also help in a great way.

7. Always prefer calcium-rich foods in your Diet

foods that make you control sweat

Diet is one of the major things that are making people unhealthy these days. The increased amount of junk food is not only stacking up fat in the body but also is increasing the chances of getting diseases much more than before. Whether it is some other diseases or hyperhidrosis, getting back to the track of consuming a healthy diet can be a great idea.

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by the consumption of food items that are high in temperature such as chilies, some of the spices, red meat, and so on. Replacing them with green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits can be really helpful in a great way. Intake of calcium-rich items such as daily products and others can be a real blessing as calcium is one such mineral that helps in maintaining the body temperature and hence reducing down the problem of excessive sweating.

8. Your Clothes Play a Big Role

Try Printed Clothes

Research says that clothes do play a big role in maintaining body temperature in a number of ways. The material of the clothes must be such that it can allow the skin to breathe.

Material such as cotton and light silk are some of the options that can actually provide comfort to people who sweat excessively. Similarly, the color of the clothes also matters a lot as the colors are known to be something that can have a direct impact on the temperature of the body. This is the reason wearing light-colored clothes are advised during extremely warm conditions.

Excessive tight clothes are in trend but these can also cause the problematic condition of hyperhidrosis at times. Excessive sweating can take place when your skin is not getting enough space to breathe properly. This can actually happen when you are wearing tight clothes. If you are among those people who sweat excessively, you can try out wearing comfortable clothes to see a remarkable change.

9. Stop using wrong deodorants

Ready the deodorants and antiperspirants

It is already mentioned above that choosing the right antiperspirant is very much important to get the best results. After roll-ons, deodorants are also the options that can be an effective option for treating conditions of hyperhidrosis.

But you must choose the right product to get the best results. It is always recommended to choose products that are free from chemicals and alcohol. Also, if you have extreme hyperhidrosis conditions, you should avoid using deodorants with fragrances.

These fragrances may show results initially but by the end of the day, it mixes with your sweat and can produce even fouler smell. To get the best results, you should get a shower before your sleep and apply the deodorant so that it can work on your on the skin while you are resting.

10. Two times Shower and keep your body clean

Take Shower Regularly

Though there are so many products and so many natural remedies that can help in combating excessive sweat, but the most basic thing that is mentionable is hygiene. If proper hygiene is maintained, even if you sweat, it does not smell that bad and does not leave a bad stain on the clothes. It is advisable to take a shower at least twice a day so that the body is cleansed properly.

Sweating is a very natural process of cleansing the body toxins and also maintaining the temperature of the body. But the problem arises when there is an excessive amount of sweating that can cause body odor and stains on your favorite attires.

Though the main cause of such a condition can be a number of factors such as an unhealthy lifestyle, some kind of disease or even intake of certain drugs, there are a couple of ways that can help you in controlling your excessive sweat such as mentioned above.

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