10 Signs that shows you have a Problem Excessive Sweating

Are you someone who have tried out various tricks and tips to reduce down your messy sweating but have failed in everything?

Are you always in this wilderness that why others do not sweat the way you do? This may be because you are different others in a number of ways.

There are a number of reasons due to which a person may sweat excessively.

Some of the most common reasons are obesity, some kind of diseases, some medications, addictions to smoking or drinking, unhealthy lifestyle, and also a health condition known as hyperhidrosis.

If you are sweating due to smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle, bringing your habits on track can also solve the issue of excessive sweating.

But if you are facing the condition of excessive sweating due to health issues such as hyperhidrosis, you may have to seek doctor help.

How will you know whether you have a problem of excessive sweating or not?

Here are some of the symptoms that can help you in knowing.

1. Sweating in all weather

Winter sweating

Normally, people sweat only in summers or in weather conditions that is hot and humid. But if you have a problem of excessive sweating, you will sweat in all seasons. There are cases when everyone else is enjoying the winter season with sweaters on, but you will be sweating under your layer of clothes.

2. Sweating on face

face sweating

Sweating from common places such as the underarms, forehead and so on is quite normal. But if you have a condition of excessive sweating, you may sweat from some uncommon places such as the face. Often, girls with this condition may get the makeup destroyed due to the sweat.

3. Sweaty hands

Hands Sweating

There are so many people who have sweaty hands all the time. The sweating increases in case of anxiety of humidity in the weather.

4. Sweaty feet

sweaty feet

Apart from sweaty face and sweaty hands, such people with excessive sweating can also have sweaty feet. The feet will sweat so much that it may smell awfully when the shoes are taken off after the whole day.

5. Night time sweating

Night Sleeping

One of the most common symptoms in people who sweat excessively is the night time sweating. You may sleep with the air conditioning switched on but still you might sweat and stain the bedsheet and the clothes.

6. Sweating and fatigue

sweating and fatigue

The excessive sweat is not just something that stains your clothes and offers your bad odor. It also leads to a number of situations such as fatigue all the time.

7. Sweating in any situation

Sweating in any situation

You will not need a reason to sweat. You might sweat when you are traveling or when you are tensed or even at times without any specific reason.

8. Staying away from crowd

Staying away from crowd

If you sweat too much, it automatically hits your mind and you will start making distance from the crowd.

9. Avoiding social activities

Avoiding social activities

Often excessive sweating leads to stains on your clothes and also bad body odor. This makes you lose confidence and hence you might stop getting into physical interactions or taking part in social activities.

10. Staying depressed

Staying depressed

There are so many people who get into a state of depression due to the embarrassments that they face due to the condition of sweating. If you are feeling the same, you may have a problem of excessive sweating.

Sweating is normal but it can be harmful when it is happening in an excess amount. It is important to realize and recognize the symptoms of excessive sweating at an early stage and seek necessary help upon it.

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